
I cried when it turned out that plants were causing the people to kill themseleves.

to fail at a first is also boner poison

Lobsters1, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole in your head.

Read the transcript or listen to the March 11 podcast. They're gonna release something to deal with all of the little non-mysteries that everyone seems to whine about wanting solved. I just thank Jacob that they didn't derail season 6 to fill us in on the Great Mystery of the Periodic Resupply Drops.

Having watched the ash episodes again on hulu, I gotta say that I don't think that's true. It's all gray, and looks darker or lighter for the most part based on the lighting around it. But it's not black and white.

@Steffs Actually, Smokey/Yemi said to Eko something along the lines of "Why do you speak to me as if I was your brother?!" Then Smokey/Yemi leaves and Smokey comes out and bodyslams Eko.

Yeah, the producers also said there wasn't any time travel. Then when someone called them on it, they said that of course they knew there was, but that it would ruin it if they admitted it 3 seasons before it happened. In fact, in one of the first podcasts, there's a part where Carlton jokes about time travel, and

@Lone, I think this wasn't so much as a Christian God thing as much as it was that Eko refused to apologize for his actions. He could have blamed fate for putting him in a situation where he had to kill, but instead he just accepted that it was his choice. That would be contrary to what the Man in Black likes

There's something about dead bodies here, for sure. Claire, Sayyid, Locke, Yemi, Christian…maybe Rousseau's man. Dead bodies that get used in some way by the dark man. Plus, the Others are big on dead bodies. Alpert asks for Paul's body in Season 5, the Others burn a body at a funeral in season 3. They know if

Battlestar Galactica was a Friday show. Maybe America can get a job playing Zoe Graystone's robotic lesbian monotheistic lover on Caprica!

It does sound like a porn title. But I think if you're gonna break down taboos, it should be gay porn.

World of Goo is pretty awesome. The gameplay is great, and it pretty much ends right when it should. The aesthetics are really cool, too, and the music gets in your damn head. It's like circus music, but creepy. Like an upbeat Zoltar machine from Big.

Greatest Android Game
Robo Defense. It's the greatest invention since Cincinnati Time Waste.

I heard Conan was going to license and franchise Pimpbot into actual robots that walked the streets in major cities as a way to pass the time when he can't be on the air.

Those annoying-as-fuck Ford commercials alone buy him a fair amount of heat.

working around the clock

I was impressed by how he looked good with all 4 hair lengths.

Ripper Owens, The Black Keys, and Devo…how did wackass Akron, Ohio produce all this gold?!

I know his name was Stabone, but what I really meant was, was there some writer who wrote him as Boner as a joke, but then the old fucks who greenlight stuff didn't realize what a boner is? Or was everyone aware and they just downplayed it? Would Kirk Cameron have refused to call Boner Boner if he had still been on

The real question about Growing Pains:
What's the story behind naming a character Boner?