
Season five is the only season that felt like it had been outlined in advance rather than the slapdash making-it-up-as-they-go approach the other seasons seemed to take. Every subplot fed into the main plot (or at least didn't feel like it stretched credibility that this just happens to be the same day that it happens

Ben Folds/Ben Folds Five for me.

About half of the self-titled album is great. Then there are tracks like "Head Creeps" and "Nothin' Song" that are just sort of there and drone on for longer than they need to.

From an Entertainment Weekly interview with Nic Pizzolatto:

Yeah, I'd suspected it wouldn't be, since it was a studio-mandated thing, but I was really disappointed. Decker—or, more correctly, Cronenberg as Decker—is easily my favorite thing about the movie. It's odd because it was the studio that insisted there be more of him. It seems to be the one bit of interference that

Also, the elements are unfortunately taken from VHS sources, which means the new footage will look noticeably bad compared to anything in the theatrical cut.

I'm reminded of a passage from a story that appeared on Topless Robot's Fan Fiction Friday feature (which may or may not exist anymore now that Rob Bricken is at io9). It was a piece of Jurassic Park slash fiction entitled "Root Her."

Just think, we have David Lynch to thank for all of this!

You seriously expect an institution that's nearly 2000 years old to change overnight? Baby steps, dude.

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus I seem to remember there being a Rolling Stone interview from around the time the black album was released where the interviewer asked about the disparity between And Justice For All… and "Don't Tread On Me," and Hetfield's reply was something to the effect of, "America

@avclub-ba7ca22b615f4f8a1743406d3550c93a:disqus The roque mallet is larger than a croquet mallet, but that's the only difference.

All three have different endings, to my memory.  Doesn't, like, nobody die in the TV version?

@disqus_u7vdwwhJsZ:disqus I actually remember being a little lukewarm on Firefly at first. "Out of Gas" is the episode I remember really making me feel like the show had hit its stride, and I was full on in love with Firefly after seeing "War Stories." And then, a few weeks later, it was gone.

Yeah, like the opening credits, with all the artistic renderings of ritual sacrifices.

@Scrawler2:disqus I think there's also a lot of politics that goes into it, too. My girlfriend worked on a show a couple years ago where they would upload edits of the episode to a password-protected server, but she would still be required to personally deliver DVDs to their houses (sometimes at, like, 3:00 in the

@avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus wrote:

As was mentioned when the casting was originally announced, I'm sure Hendricks would have ended up playing one of those movie strippers that only end up stripping down to bra and panties (a la Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me or Jessica Alba in Sin City). So I suppose there's not too much to be disappointed over.

I'd say there's at least one drawback in that you're not reading  @TheBatman:twitter  (formerly The Goddamn Batman). Sample tweets:

@avclub-e6d0513ce49cc06cb956251623cb8fd9:disqus : Yeah, I'd put The Truman Show somewhere in between the Regular Jim Carrey (i.e., Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, Dumb and Dumber) and Decent Actor Jim Carrey (Eternal Sunshine and, I know I'm in the minority on this, but The Majestic). The story is unique and intelligent, but

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus If I'm not mistaken, he dated Lohan when she was still awesome hot, so I'll let him count that as a victory.