She'd probably appreciate it more than the other "what were we banned from again?" gems.
She'd probably appreciate it more than the other "what were we banned from again?" gems.
As Sugalite or with her real world body?
Tangled is good. I remember it kind of waning as it went, but it has enough good musical numbers and comedy and so on to easily be worthwhile.
Oh was that supposed to be the country's normal flag? I thought the camp was divided up into colored teams and assumed they all had palette-shifted versions of the flag and maybe the "real" one was still red.
What can you even tell him? "When sort of a solid energy projection of an idea of oneself loves another person very much, they share a special dance, and depending on what that other person is, they'll either sort of reincarnate into a new conception of theirself based on their shared love with that person, or maybe…
I'm a little worried she's not progressively accepting so much as just backwards from our current biases, so i'm not going to leap to holding her up as being a good influence. She could be a huge misogynist based on her militaristic culture, who thinks the females are unworthy mates of the more athletic guys who…
Oh man, what if LSP is the Tommy Wiseau of Ooo?
It did seem odd that she justifiably believes everyone looks down on her, but then everyone wanted to finance, be in, and attend her play
Maybe so. I thought he seemed more personally interested in the end than when he was praising her accomplishment of getting the part earlier. It sounded like he objectively recognized getting the lead role in this play was impressive and was glad to see her succeed, but actually perked up in regards to set design as…
Are we talking about the browser version here? It's weird that aside from that, all the different device UIs seem to be totally different, presumably because the device maker is involved in that process.
The punchline that Jake is actually more impressed with "special effects" than the lead role was cute. I'm not sure i buy LSP making quiet, metaphor-laden, highbrow theater, even if we're meant to understand it's not very good. I had her pegged more as the supernatural romance, or maybe arch melodrama type.
Porting her away is pretty harmless as coups go. Maybe don't send her specifically to the house of a serial princess kidnapper next time, but other than that, it seems fine.
She must still be quite busy if she's getting with .04% of the people interested.
Ok but have you seen Benedict Cumberbatch with his Dr Strange beard? I thought he looked like a weird squinty elf before, but i totally get why people think he's hot now that i've seen bearded him.
It was a dump the studio couldn't hold in.
Man, that makes pornography look respectable.
Yeah the free version of this one is pretty humane too. I played a little of it and it's certainly not the full version but it is still totally playable.
The Puzzle Quest series has a frankly baffling commitment to its downward trajectory. It's like they think they're making action movie sequels instead of video game ones.
It's kind of a reasonable price for an upmarket toy/device that does something on its own. But yeah they might be real fucked being a _platform_ that costs that. Who wants to work on content for something that already costs 600+ bucks?
I finished downwell on normal. Hard seems likely to be beyond my reach after taking a lot of shots and never getting past 2-2. It's a good simple action game. There are solid rewards both for playing methodically, and for just trying to blaze through and do daredevil combos, and i suspect unless you're amazing at the…