
Well he's not being an asshole about it, so i'm calling this a win.

Yeah i don't always agree with their ironic detachment from and cynical belief that both sides are wrong on every single issue, but it's usually a solid way to do comedy even when it's not the position i'd take. Trump though kind of breaks the mold. Trump is a pretty absolute 0, and i'm not sure they have the tools to

This was nice whenever the actual character The Tick was on screen and not like the older stuff at all otherwise, and i think i'd argue not as good as some of the other things it would rather be in those moments. The Tick cartoon and comic crammed comical weirdness into every bit of its world, and the main character

I bet they're actually relying on a different kind date rape than Dennis: taking advantage of the fact that everyone on a singles cruise is blackout drunk the entire time.

It's a very stupid, at least somewhat offensive movie, but that line doesn't accurately explain why, no. Ok so, Will Ferrell plays a patsy for an embezzlement scheme. Between his sentencing and the date he has to actually go to start serving his sentence, he decides to ask the first black person he sees to help him

I just realized, not only is his motivation for pretending to be gay basically nonsense, but even once you accept the premise, it's still inexplicable that he doesn't pretend to be bisexual instead. If you're going to lie about being attracted to men to attract this woman, why also lie and say you're not attracted to

Edgar Wright is not someone i'm looking to replace on basically any project. Gondry's good, and it's not impossible he or someone else could have wound up with a better finished product, but i sure wouldn't bet on it.

I was going to say the normal reaction would be something like "demand refund from travel agent for willfully deceiving you even if you are a jerk (you know, don't be a jerk in the first place, but if you are, once you actually have a legitimate grievance is a weird time to stop); then either make the best of it or

The correct answer is clearly "Cruisin." If for some godforsaken reason you're making a homophobic sex comedy set on a cruise, at least get the obvious title pun in there.

I also think WHM made a very strong case for, if you make a sequel and don't have Keanu back but do have Sandra Bullock, she has to be the old pro at this insane situation who is confidently leading the Keanu replacement; she can't just have the same relationship with the new guy that she had with Keanu.

I think her notion that Rose only appealed to rejects is partly shaped by the fact that she has only seen some of the present day events of the show. I don't think the rebellion was all misfits, but it's pretty accurate to say the recent converts are.

It's a real inspector Javert type outlook. I survived crushing poverty while following all the rules, so if you can't, I am totally justified in destroying you!

It's especially funny that Peridot developed this style in total isolation, since for humans it seems to be primarily an investigation of the boundaries of what art can be, after a long, long tradition of more obvious and directly appealing and influential stuff. Someone who grew up studying centuries of realist

Jasper does seem to be way off message in a lot of ways. I think she took some cues from what she knew of the rebellion combined with her homeworld training to make this army/zoo of corrupted gems. I wasn't sure if she was even still fighting on behalf of homeworld or if she's just trying to set up her own

I'd say it goes beyond arguing in-depth research is going away to arguing that things like originating unpromoted material at all are currently not things that pay money, and that can't work. That everyone wants to be an aggregator and commentator (like me, right now!) and no one wants to actually generate the fodder

Fly a model plane into the studio and unload their cash.

Reince even picked that part on purpose. That's not his birth name that he's stuck with, he wanted to be called that.

My first presidential must have been 2004. I appreciate the candidates making that such an easy one to figure out even if it didn't turn out so well.

Well, imagining for simplicity it's a direct popular vote, and you have polls you believe will be accurate to within a few percent, and they're i dunno 50.1 - 49.9 one day and 54-46 another, that's not a completely crazy swing, but the swing it produces in the gambling odds you're giving is.

Maybe making it easier to sue people who defame him isn't just a part of his platform, maybe it's his entire plan and everything else is just window dressing. He has identified "creating easy comedy fodder" as his most marketable skill, and decided to monetize it by using the power and visibility of the presidency to