Slice of Bright

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus By the time I got to Oklahoma sex ed in about 2001, we just got a video of 90's era contemporary Christian music artists preaching abstinence-only.  Obviously no sex ed in Oklahoma is particularly effective, but I think a few kids probably could have benefited from some

The first chapter of Slaughterhouse-Five.

Yeah, I get that.  I guess I'm just saying that I wish they (you) did.  But now you do!  Brilliant.

Yes, I definitely find it odd.  I also found it odd that I had to poke around a bit before I found the place where people were actively discussing it.  Granted, it's late, but I figured there'd be more people airing their thoughts and grievances post-binge-session.

I seriously had to stop and look up pictures because I was so confused about how different she looked.  I didn't realize that she'd had plastic surgery, or that she looked so distinctively different afterward.  I'm only a couple of episodes in, so it's interesting to know that it will be acknowledged.

I've considered it a small victory that no one has yet told me to "wish John [my husband, active duty Army] a happy Memorial Day."  It's a nice sentiment, but I never really know how to respond.  Do they know that there's a difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?  Are they just struggling to find a good way

I'm married to an active duty soldier who's overseas at present.  Thanks for your service, @avclub-a321ee7bcbfbee1dcb3374b83fa69195:disqus and @avclub-d43da0b54c8393e0d0cd389588f89e3a:disqus !

@Fabian I must have been taking crazy pills!  Carry on.

It didn't calcify the pants.  Just the butt inside of them.  You know, science and everything.

I think they live in one of those towns where the drinking age is 12.

Yeah, as soon as Alaric showed up (as expected), I wanted the whole rest of the episode just to be about him. 

I can understand not actively wanting her to be dead.  But swearing off the show if she goes?  Apparently a lot of people are watching this for entirely different reasons than mine.

Ooh, I had almost forgotten that Jenna died as a vampire!  I thought that she was a definite no because of the whole "dead supernaturals" thing.  But since we haven't ever even seen her as a ghost, I'm thinking it's unlikely.

I'll totally take BOK (Bank of Oklahoma) over a KFCYum!Center.  Honestly, my first thought was, "I am so glad that's not in Oklahoma."  Second thought: "How is that not in Oklahoma?"

Sure.  It's not like we would ever eliminate everything that could offend someone.  But we're human beings.  We should have sense for when it's appropriate to set aside our distractions for just a moment.

Yeah, you're totally right.  I think I just want Caroline to have some sort of ally; an echo to her voice of reason.  And I like that Matt will usually play that role.


Maybe it's silly, but I like to think the best of people in this situation.  I like to hope that people are moving or preempting potentially hurtful episodes out of genuine care and concern for others.

ALL of this.

Good point!  I used to LOVE the penultimate episode of each TVD season.  But this one didn't seem to have any of that energy.