The Other Sean ONeal

I believe I've made this clear, don't touch my fucking ladder.

It gets old, doesn't it?

I'm available.

In what way?

Totally different person. Cannot stress that enough.

I'd have to check my schedule.

Don't fucking touch my ladder.

Now's my chance.

Are you calling me a liar? Haven't I suffered enough?

I do have to give him this one.

Sean, I know we've had our disagreements, but that was superb.

If that's what you're into, I guess.

Dammit Sean, why would you begrudge an actor getting work? Think of how that makes me feel- other people! Think of how that makes other people feel.

I don't think he's that great.

You son of a bitch.

Nah, I think just the one will do. The original one. Me.

Don't get me started.

I'm into it.

*puts on Groucho Marx glasses* I thought he was pretty good, nay, the best thing about the television program to which you are referring.

Is there somebody I can call about that?