Chris Shaffer

"Arkham Asylum" is a wonderful book, but personally I think it's just too dense and weird to be a good 'gateway' comic.

"Arkham Asylum" is a wonderful book, but personally I think it's just too dense and weird to be a good 'gateway' comic.

For better or worse, this sounds like an alternate universe Happy Gilmore where he stuck with hockey instead of playing golf.

I think what happened to Daryl is that when he was looking for Sophia he felt like he was doing something worthwhile and starting to show people that he's more than just some idiot redneck with a crossbow. Then it turned out she was dead and it seemed like all that effort didn't matter. That's enough to turn anyone

This actually sounds like a real piece of shit for a 'B'-rated movie.

Specifically, two were supposed to be used sort of chopsticks-style to remove the offending material, and the third was just to scrape it clean after.

I've read the text of a typical Marvel contract (not specifically the one Friedrich signed, but one of their standard ones). It is actually excruciatingly clear just how much someone owns nothing that they created. Now, Marvel lashing out at him over the lawsuit is just petty, but his lawsuit didn't hold a lot of

Y'know, I'm not sure I'd waste the poop required to take a dump on George Lucas.

Y'know, I didn't even know this happened until I saw the headline because I skipped the Super Bowl crap yesterday. And now I actually care even less about it than I did when I didn't know.

I'm not sure how much right Alan has to call this shameless, given that — IIRC — he was offered the opportunity to write this (in exchange for, aside from the assumed truckload of money, the original Watchmen rights back) and admitted that he'd have gone for it if it were only a few years ago.

Didn't Heroes originally plan to do something like this?

I think you've unintentionally combined Holmes' "The Time Lords were behind it all!" acid trip with the Season 6B theory and it particularly shows when you imply that the "Two Doctors"/Season 6B Doctor is a willing participant. Last I checked, the heart of Season 6B is that the Doctor was doing their bidding as

Wow, you guys were that desperate to make Tom Hanks doing another WWII movie seem interesting that you wrote this? Good move.

See, that was my first thought, too, when I saw the trailer.

Originally, Scott was going to end up with Knives. But then the comic wrapped up during production and they changed it to match the book ending.

I'd kill to see a Book vs. Film on Rum Diary.

See, part of my problem with it. To me, Ramona felt more like a hairstyle wearing a disaffected eyeroll balanced on a pair of skates than a person.

I don't buy into the defense, either. "See, it's awesome _because_ they both suck as romantic leads" is not a defense. It's an explanation as to why the AV Club loves this movie so much.

Okay, so in other words, I should be ashamed I cared enough to ask who he is. Gotcha.

Who the fuck are you, again?