Chris Shaffer

Fair enough.

Fair enough.

@drdarke:disqus Actually, they've been planning this episode as the series finale since season 1. They whipped it out because they were getting the vibe that there wasn't going to be a season 6 and wanted to make sure they'd at least have the opportunity to use it.

@drdarke:disqus Actually, they've been planning this episode as the series finale since season 1. They whipped it out because they were getting the vibe that there wasn't going to be a season 6 and wanted to make sure they'd at least have the opportunity to use it.

I actually made that same comment when I saw that scene.

I actually made that same comment when I saw that scene.

Well, they know where Broyles is. They probably check in with him on a regular basis and don't know he can resist their probes.

Well, they know where Broyles is. They probably check in with him on a regular basis and don't know he can resist their probes.

Well, it's no more like Harry Potter than season 3's 'hunt the machine parts' plot. And unlike Harry Potter, this show is actually likely to win a fight and kill its antagonist rather than essentially walk him off a cliff and hand him an anvil.

Well, it's no more like Harry Potter than season 3's 'hunt the machine parts' plot. And unlike Harry Potter, this show is actually likely to win a fight and kill its antagonist rather than essentially walk him off a cliff and hand him an anvil.

Maybe they don't un-Observerize him. Maybe Donald becomes September.

Maybe they don't un-Observerize him. Maybe Donald becomes September.

Cool! (I love that scene, by the way.)

Cool! (I love that scene, by the way.)

I had something like that happen with my mother. You have my deepest sympathies.

I had something like that happen with my mother. You have my deepest sympathies.

For me, the point where I started seriously thinking "I don't think there's going to be a season six" was the D.B. Cooper episode. I mean, the Spruce Goose, that's just a fun piece of modern American history to play with. But solving one of the all time great unsolvable crimes? That was a bit much.

For me, the point where I started seriously thinking "I don't think there's going to be a season six" was the D.B. Cooper episode. I mean, the Spruce Goose, that's just a fun piece of modern American history to play with. But solving one of the all time great unsolvable crimes? That was a bit much.

Was he the janitor from the episode with the potato? The one whom they accused of being a spy, not knowing he actually was one?

Was he the janitor from the episode with the potato? The one whom they accused of being a spy, not knowing he actually was one?