Richard Nixon

Keep the content but change the name. "The Bodacious Boobs of Mistress Explosion" maybe?

This movie is so fucking good.

Thanks. It's not that good. I mean, it's pretty good, but still.

Is there anyone on this site who hasn't already watched this?


Man, someone's toking some reefer.

Finished reading We the Drowned by Carsten Jensen, which I can't recommend enough. If you are a modern lit naysayer, this will make your jaw drop. About 100 years of quasi-historical fiction about people from the Danish seafaring town of Marstal. You go all around the world on awesome boats with a huge ensemble of

In United States, money owns you!

Sailors board me now
I was born to be fucked like a cow
Men who don't fuck me are cowards
Girls who get near me are fools

Seriously. Do not watch Osmosis fucking Jones.

We all have to meet that superfluous notification quota somedays.

I can't believe the dude behind the genius quote that is this article was bumped so we could talk again about Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter.

Great photo, great article. O'Neal, you really shine in times of schadenfreude.

Just watch the fucking Sopranos.

more like world war zzzzzzzz get it

AVC: You said there's been nothing in your life that you've always wanted to do. Is there anything you'd like to do in the near future?


I hate this.

Great post. Now make a top 10 list.

Fuck that make movies.