Richard Nixon

Oh shiiiiit!!!!

They should change this feature to WATCHED This

My favorite aspect of that character was how his personality was so distinct from his black Republican-ness.

Oh you'll pay for that Spielbergo.


Oh gracious Ayatollah. Tales of your mercy will echo throughout generations of Starfleet saloons and potato rooms.

This is the first I've even heard about this shit. Bright Star made me cry. Not Sansho the Bailiff cry but still.

Definitely. I thought that shit with Don was real.

this fucking festival

But I've already seen Girls!

God bless.

This actually seems utterly charming.

Who the fuck told this asshole to start singing?

To be fair, they do have a bitchin crest.

I'd rather talk about Calvin & Hobbes to you subtle douchebags than listen to Seth McFucking Green opine about the inspiration he'll never be even close to capable of approaching.

You just killed Lou Myers you bastard.

Did you seriously come to a Sean O'Neal post with your sarcasm chip deactivated?

You're not the right kind of millionaire!

Cool it Fischer, or you'll get a knuckle supper!

Cool it Fischer, or you'll get a knuckle supper!