Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

I have to go with When the Levee Breaks.

Different song on the album but i love the ocean.

During a period psychotic ambition this summer/fall I read Gravity's Rainbow and Ulysses back to back. I felt like GR was one 800 page fever dream while Ulysses was quite brilliant.

Setting aside Grohl's amazing drumming on this song for a second, the wall of sound Pat Smear creates here is great.

Top of the morning this shit went to my face like it was fucking folgers.

Can I walk the jewels? Or jog the jewels?

Every single fall I use Ned's explanation of how you can tell the difference between cider/juice.

Thurston will always be in my pantheon of rock greats because of Daydream Nation, but I've never seen a more obnoxious live band than SY in 2008.

This explains Andrew Luck.

Champ to Whale on Local Man.

I agree with you about Joyce. I read Ulysses for the first time last month and it was mindblowing. A few chapters (Oxen and the Sun, Circe) were almost too clever for their own good and sacrificed the plot for Joyce's technical virtuosity, but overall it was so so good.

Robert Caro.

I have to go return some…iphone beta designs.

So it seems like Pet Sounds is the turning point when they changed from Beach Boys to Beach Men?

Nicest guy in rock & roll.

I read this headline, heard the riff in my head, and now it won't leave. And I don't mind at all.

Oooooooh the Denver Broncos?

Name me a publisher that isn't a parasite and I'll go out and say a prayer for it.

I am always so disappointed when I think of something clever to write in the classic simpsons comments section and I see that it's been posted no fewer than 6 times.

I'll have to re-read IV. I read it when it came out 5 years ago, but I really don't have any strong memories of it despite it being "Pynchon lite." Gravity's Rainbow, however, will always be burned into my brain for better or worse.