Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

I've begrudgingly wasted 39 hours of my life watching this dumb show and I still can't tell if the producers think the show is supposed to be a satire or the most serious drama ever. It fails on both accounts.

Haha, no. It was just amusing to see hundreds of emperors, bishops, generals etc. being really awful to each other over thousands of pages.

Well, this is odd timing. I've been plowing through all 6 volumes of Gibbon's Decline and Fall this year, and I can say it is one of the most mind-blowing books I've ever read. Reading it gives the best perspective on human nature I've ever seen. Hint: we're all shitty in our own way, regardless of religion, culture,

Is this an episode of "I love films"?

Haven't you ever listened to yourself on a tape recorder?

I don't think the author knows what objectivity means. The biggest problem for the non-Fox News media sources is the "both sides do it" mentality and failure to actually analyze political/policy debates.

Gave this a spin this morning. Seems a lot groovier than their previous albums. I give it my highest grade: C+

Who is the owner of those lovely corset cows in the picture above?

Best clickbait ever.

This sounds great except I just watched a 6 part miniseries on Netflix about the same exact topic.

Isn't every week Simpsons week on the AV Club?

I dare anyone to listen to the vocals only track of Running with the Devil and not marvel at Diamond Dave's singing. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Offspring's Smash


I just don't understand Mr. Demarco. I think his songs are lovely Beach Boys'-esque tunes but whenever I listen to them I think of his goofball persona (i.e. sticking drum sticks up his butt while covering A Beautiful Day)

U definitely seem to be talking U2 to me but I can't be sure until you get me some f'ing ttttt shirts

Oxford blog? This is site is for regular talkin', not your fancy talkin'

I can't believe how quickly the Oxford blog became a porno site.

How many nights can Ben Stiller spend in a museum?

12 years? The story of a real, God-fearing American boy should be told in no more than 8 years