Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

Everytime I see the scene in Rudy when Rudy's father yells "that's my boy" when Rudy runs onto the field for the first time. This is the only scene in a movie that's ever made me cry and I'm even getting a bit verklempt now just thinking about it.

Nice. I lived there in middle school/high school from 1997-2002 so I was a little late to that party. I still liked listening to that stuff, though, and knowing that it somehow blossomed in my genteel, polite midwest city.

The 'Mats and Husker Du made me realize that growing up in MPLS was actually kind of cool, at least for a middle west city.

And here I am hoping for more episodes like a Schmoehawk.

Tropic of Capricorn by The Stooges.

Any idea why only 8 of the 12 tracks are on spotify? I can't remember another instance of spotify only including 2/3rds of an album.

Clearly it's "Search and Destroy" by Iggy & the Stooges.

Am I the only person here that thinks that Blood Mountain is Mastodon's best album? I think that album is a perfect middle ground between their lo-fi shreddy stuff and their newer, slicker stuff.

This article should be subtitled "In case anyone was wondering why House of Cards is entirely humorless."

Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?

No one that speaks German could possibly be an evil man.

Oh, but give me an old pro like a Robert Redford. Oh, I'd jump into bed with him in a second. And I wouldn't just lie there, Oral Roberts, if that's what you're thinking

"I love Oasis. I hate Oasis. I'm embarrassed to admit I like Oasis. Oasis is ok."

Having a US politician give a speech about the 100th anniversary of WW I is a dead giveaway that this show was written by Brits. I'd guess that %1 of American politicians have any idea that 2014 is the 100th anniversary.

No mention of the exploding corn flakes?

Saying that rakim is the weak link in Eric B and Rakim is an absurd assertion. I do, however, agree that rakim's later work is more impressive (Especially the first 3 songs on follow the leader) but that's like saying that Michael Jordan is better than Lebron. It's an accurate but pointless distinction

I'd say that we in-shape, above average looking, straight white men need a great monologue like what was on Louie last night, but I guess we'll just have to do with 8 seasons of Entourage.

I was a fan of this show until I had an awkward drunk hook up with a girl while the episode where the crazy mother from Louie's daughter's school was being spanked by Louie and crying "daddy" was on in the background.

Seriously. I worked back to back campaigns and it's amazing how 6-10 months on a campaign can age you 2-4 years. Donuts, beer, no sleep, and lots of stress. I tried to sneak away and workout instead of taking time for lunch, but I felt like a slacker.

I haven't seen it yet.