Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

I can't get into this. One of the main reasons I listen to the plan is to hear Joe Easley's insane drumming and he mostly seems absent on this one.

I don't know why, but Pynchon's books just do not stick with me. I read V, Gravity's Rainbow, Inherent Vice, and the Crying of Lot 49 but I could not tell you what the hell they were about. I just vaguely remember enjoy reading them.

"Cold. So, so cold."- Alec Leamas.

Never been a Prince fan.

I didn't realize it when I was growing up in the Minneapolis burbs, but any town that could produce the Replacements and Husker Du is pretty amazing.

Oh man, I fell in love with Paul's Boutique again this summer. That album is so rich; every listen unveils something I didn't catch before.

Maybe this has been addressed somewhere in the mass of 2000+ messages, but is there any chance Walter dies during the shootout? I mean, he is smack in the middle of it and it's not like the stormtrooper Nazis have great aim.

More Tony Hale dancing, please.

I've never liked Jay-Zed. Always sounded like he was on the verge of a stroke when he was rapping.

I named my car Bort in college. 

In re: Sportscenter. I feel like all the new anchors are completely interchangeable robots. I miss the days of Dan Patrick, Olbermann, Kenny Mayne, etc. I know nothing about the new anchors except they all have absurd names. 

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

I wish Jon Theodore played the drums on this album. Don't get me wrong, Dave Grohl and Joey Castillo are badass drummers, but I'm interested to see what Theodore can do for QOTSA. Some of the stuff he played for the Mars Volta was the best drumming I've ever heard.

My typical reaction to listening to a Queens of the Stone album:

I love the slow reveal that Tobias is a black man. Especially when we find out his middle name is "Onyongo"

Just finished watching the last episode, and at this point I'm slightly disappointed. I feel like the season was expertly constructed—and I'm sure additional viewings will support this—but I seriously didn't laugh more than twice an episode. I also actually felt like watching some of these episodes was WORK, which is

My gut tells me I'm admiring how the show was constructed. But my gut is also hungry, and it's not really laughing.

Disco sucks!

I love how characters from In the Loop and the thick of it are beginning to pop in on Veep. If Peter Capaldi shows up as, I don't know, Dan's dad, I think I could die happy.

Linton is the unsung hero of this movie.