Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

Alison Brie in that dress at least gets this a C. A full, lovely C.

Anyone that complains about this must be from Memmmfusss, Tennnughhhsee

Damnit, I spent 3 years in law school and one summer studying for the bar when I could have just watched this. 

Agreed. When I re-read the book I feel duped by the book's shortness and apparent simplicity. The pages roll by in a haze, and before I know it it's over. I'm guessing, judging by this review, that the director either never really read the book or he just blew threw it without grasping its subtleties.

How'd Vincent Chase do?

The previews make the Great Gatsby look like a Jazz Age Downton Abbey.

I just want to see a huge J. Mascis in this movie, leveling islands with his riffage.

Wow, this review was way off base. Not as good as Wolfgang, but still beautiful and catchy as hell.

But you're not going to eat all that watermelon, Mr. Frampton.

I really want to love this show, but as a devote fan of The Thick of It, I just can't get into it. I think the problem is that Ianucci and his writers innately understand British politics, which makes the satire so much sharper. There are a few good lines on Veep, but it seems like it just doesn't click.

So Danny is basically the Abe Lincoln of Westeros. 

Surprised there is no mention of Simon Gallup's awesome bass playing and it's role in the band. He's one of the few bassists I make it a point to focus on while listening to a band.

I always love listening to Ghost's inventive wordplay. In some ways, albums like Supreme Clientele and Fishscale are like the rap versions of James Joyce's work. 

Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) is one of the few songs I loved in high school that I'm not embarrassed to still like. That guitar riff is just amazing.

What's a battle?

This show just makes me miss The Thick of It.

If this episode was a person it would be a Manic Dream Pixie Girl (or boy).

Homer's casual relationship with literacy always cracks me up.

No love for Angels in the Outfield? It inspired Troy McClure's greatest sports film, Leper in the Backfield.

Watching Mad Men is like dating a gorgeous woman you can't stand to be around. I get frustrated every week by the show's lethargic pace and pretentiousness but I somehow find myself watching every episode.