Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabadoo

I tried to sell my dad—who is a huge Seinfeld fan—on It's Always Sunny as the Seinfeld of the 2000's. Unfortunately the first episode he ever watched was this one. Pretty sure he thought his son was a weirdo after watching this episode. (even though it's hilarious).

That Johnny Marr sure can play guitar.

Damnit, I even thought "don't write Gary Hart" right before I wrote this.

Surprised there was no mention of Gary Hart. He was a great song-writer and a lot of his drumming is very inventive, and I'd imagine incredibly hard to play while singing.

Don't forget puking, farting, and pissing.

I agree with Todd. Kazakh needs to be a recurring character.

Hens Love Roosters
Geese Love Ganders
Everyone else loves Ned Flanders

I love all the animal-related humor on Archer: Kazak, Baboo the ocelot, Mallory's dog, tigers, shooting sharks underwater, etc.

Oh man, this brought back so many memories. Sixteen Stone, I'm embarrassed to say, was the first album I ever bought and 12 year old Joey Joe Joe eagerly awaited Razor Blade Suitcase. I still remember listening to this thing all the way through, totally oblivious to how much the music press was hating on Bush.

At the beginning of last season having Allison Williams say "I want to have your brown/round babies" to me was near the top of my life goals list. Now, two years later, Marnie is such a loathsome character that this sounded like a threat.

Somehow Krieger can create a radioactive pig and sell uranium to the North Koreans and come across as oddly endearing.

Dino Jr. is maybe the only band that people recommended to me all the time and not only lived up to the hype, but exceeded it. Now excuse me while I play air guitar to The Wagon.

Two things:

I love Bob, but he always struck me as someone singing the Beatles or the Who in the shower.

All my favorite singers couldn't sing, oh yeah.

I never knew Archer was an autist. Makes sense, i guess.

I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.

I kept looking for the little children of stonehenge during this movie.

In Rod we trust!

Nothing will ever top Abe's rant in "Last Exit to Springfield."