Double Whammy

Good points. It is good reading though that has some good insights. I actually (surprise) am not a skylar fan but sepinwall points out how that was unfortunately engineered from the beginning. I see flame wars all the time between Skylar haters and those who are tired of skylar haters. Not trying to start a flame

man, this is a great episode but this review is a little light on independent thought and heavy on recap.  Just finished sepinwall's review which touches heavily on the elephant in the living room (the way Skylar is villainized by fans and females in general kinda suck on bb and why), pretty damn good read so just

Saturday I saw queens of the Stone Age at the Gibson amphitheater. Best show of theirs I've been to. I got wicked jacked and we partied hard but…I'm getting old. My neck and shoulders are killing me from headbanging, which led to me applying some ben gay…not a real manly way to end that sentence :)

*leaves handwritten cursive note, it reads

Yeah I remember seeing those and thinking he had such a dry sensibility, but he was still a good interviews sometimes.  

please Papa, please! Do it for @avclub-752a6fc94c80ba4f8b2dc8506fcc87f3:disqus , his wife is having sex with some guy in a coma.

that sounds awesome.  I love how Artie says "me" instead of "my" and his r's are a lot of fun.  I love the way he pronounces even the blandest of words.  With him, they come to life.  Tough titty ain't that creative, but man, he milks every last drop out of that titty.


indeed and well said, both of you.  I agree its a labor of love, but just think: someday in the future, people, teems of them will discover these reviews and be thankful that Kyle slugged it out all the way to 'Flip'

Fucking Stevie, has to point out he's "doing the right thing" every time he acts like a human.  Best intervention this side of the Sopranos.

Really great write up Kyle!  You really tied them together nicely.  I know these are a labor of love but we really do enjoy reading the inside baseball and thematic connections you make.

Hell yes. The acoustic tracks are so wtf after the pounding in your brain takes on new noise, refused are fuckkng dead and the deadly rhythm. Definitely worth revisiting.

Good call on Op Ivy. Soundsystem and knowledge are still killer. I remember those patches and hot punk chicks who wore them. Try the Argument, it's fugazi's best and most cohesive album IMHO. I heard Tim and the singer from op ivy are reuniting for new music? Probably read about on avc…

Great read! I remember when Refused released shape of punk. That album still blows my mind so eclectic and raw. Fugazi continues to kill it…

huh also a possible contender.  IMA LET CHA FINISH, Flynn, but first ima tag this wall with my name.

nice! that actually makes sense.  damn you, applying your faculties…

bet you a 100 quatloos you're wrong!  wtf that star trek talk between Skinny Pete and Badger was truly a conversation for the ages.

Fuck Walt for killing Mike x times infinity. Jesse is too smart to believe Walt, he knows mike is dead and Walt had something to do with it.

Yeah I loved it, lords of meth town. Also who tagged "Heisenberg" in the house? The cops? Meth addicts? The skaters?

Hank's punch was so strong and true it knocked the cancer out of Walt. Hank looked so damn pissed :) Walt deserves more punches than Pete Campbell