Double Whammy

I was about to feel like the premiere was lacking but then hank closed the garage…so tense.  can't wait to see the last game of cat and mouse, especially these two.

Haggling over prices with the first hooker was perfect. Of course rich ass hank wants a deal and drives a hard bargain

Yep that is great I have seen people do this over multiple court hearings it works apparently

like the finest Corinthian leather…

I think he considers Barry Lyndon a sci fi classic since it nails the rustic weaponry lol

Yep thought the same thing. This guy is like a grandma: if he says its gonna be cold out, I put on shorts and sandles. District 9 was pretty damn good

'twas ever thus

yeah i noticed the kyle mentioned one of your posts in the review - nice!

Edked, thanks for the rational response. I will watch it with the doomsaying if only to never been compared to or grouped with assholes like sluggo. I guess I'm just protective cuz I like this place for fostering intelligent conversations (and Simpsons quotes) and don't like seeing it become just like every other site

Bigtits mcplot: yes haha I love that scene. Yea I think the restuarant storyline is like season 2 or 3, one of the earlier ones. He truly is a social assassin

Edked, fuck you and YOU can fuck right off. You've been on this site since 2008 but your gonna tell me this site hasn't had a massive dip in quality regarding posters? Fuck you for defending a beggar who isn't adding to the discussion. Enjoy your dinner party with sluggo

Yep especially a great line coming from Artie, a man who's definitely seen some shit. Artie has the best lines of anyone on this show

Haha! I forgot about that. A great double feature would be the episode where they finally have the grand opening and hank misses it with the ep of curb your enthusiasm where Larry opens his restuarant! So funny how difficult it is to open a restuarant…

Huh guess this explains the seemingly random name-drop in the BEE interview.

"I did him once. In 1953"

So many great jokes inspired by the look around cafe! I love the drug dealers in the bathroom!

Maybe try begging on reddit, most people don't pull that crap on av club, although with the flood of shitty gimmick commenters who knows how bad it will get around here. It was like a 100 when I got it the day it came out, it has to have dropped by now.

Interesting thought! Yea it is sad how lame late nite really is. I love Conan but half the shit on any late nite show is gonna be lame

do you really have so little to say as a person that you feel the compulsion to conduct a search on amazon before you can reply?  the schtick personalities are getting old.  I notice you don't start many threads. lots of inane replies though.  time to await the doppelganger version of you to shame you into quitting.

in the movie version, the giant squid monster will be replaced by a naked blue guy but yes that's the gist of it.