Double Whammy

*Puts on $5,000 Gucci hat, writes anti-consumerism song*

heheh, just logged in and saw your reply, glad you took the time to reply - the fact that your awesome reply is a month after the comment was made is why i love the AV Club.  Taker' easy, dude.

goddamn, Don Del Grande is the giving tree of douchebaggery.  Thank you for sharing and helping to point out his cal ripkin jr-like streak of asshat complaints.

Agreed, seconded, motion carried.

"What the fuck?" is the only way to describe this show. The alternate world thing with the pile of dead Patton's was very confusing until I realized they were never going to address it. The sex tune up, the two-person beauty pageant and the exploding pies were the most odd and funny. I missed Sedaris from Strangers,

Welcome to the work of PFFR. Thank you for taking the blue pill. Now enjoy some psychotropic drugs and be sure to notice the infecting power of Vernon chatman. This dude has been making Louie, delocated and South Park progressively darker and weirder. Fuckkng awesome.

also the rich guy who orders "ass-to-ass" from the broad in requiem for a dream.

that and a few pounds of kind bud…

yep, i love when he goes to krusty burger after the fed's seize it and he has to fill out a bunch of tax forms to complete his order.  "Marge, what were your gambling losses last year?" slays me every time.


awesome, now i'm even more stoked! SABBATTHHHH!

FLAGGED for disparagement of animal fries.  

Oy, yea that does sound pretty rough. I was just surprised it wasn't a drunk frat bro cuz it was in Orange County, but nope 2 50+ guys who look like they use touch of grey beard dye.

regarding Inn-n-Out advice: forget about the girl, get some animal fries and call it a day.  You will NOT be disappointed.

Brett "The Hitman" Hart

I saw Frank Caliendo on saturday night.  Great John Madden and John Gruden impressions but he got heckled by 2 drunks for way too much of the show, goddamn baby boomers are great loud drunked buffons on a saturday night.  sorry mom and dad, its true.

Fuck yeah! Best soundtrack in years! I can't stop blasting those tracks. You should beat it, it's hard but it is a fun challenge and the secret ending makes way more sense ( though less nihilistic). Spread the gospel pal, I'm telling friends who don't even play games about the soundtrack cuz it's just so dope and

…sorry for going off like a dickhead, I didnt know you were joking :)
jeez i gotta stay off of reddit, everyone is a fucking sarcastic prick and I am used being defensive.   fuckin wednesday, fuck my life.

Man your reading comprehension is through the roof, must be a grad student.   I was talking about a game called Hotline Miami. I said the name several times.  Sorry I forgot HL can only equal half-life to gamers.  It should have read HM2 instead of HL for HotLine,  if that makes your aspergers calm down.

Oh shit this is the Hotline Miami masks movie right? I saw the trailer yesterday whilst waiting for Kickarse 2.  Damn the cheap producer bastards, they have the pig mask but I didn't see rasmus or the rooster.   Might have to check this out to slake my bloodlust til HL2 comes out next year..