
with black curtains? Near the station?


I'm sure you could come up with something, Kreiger.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I still get Browncoats to sob uncontrollably.

When he was 17…

I think Jordan Klepper has come into his own really quickly, but his goofiness is best suited for a correspondent, not an anchor.

Something something weed. (Audience: "WOOOOOOO!!!")

Or "uppity."

Anchorpeople don't crack.

She did some really impressive and hard-hitting pieces on catcalling, colleges and rape, and stop-and-frisk.

I think we can keep the opening monologue, but drop the Keep It 100 segment. While it may make for 'good TV,' I don't see how the questions posed really add to the conversations they have at all.

DJ Salinger?

Am I the only one just hoping a little that Jefferson would hit on Detective Mills?

Surveys have repeatedly shown higher acceptance among white people than black people for gay marriage, for example (I presume due to the relative influence of religion) though obviously it's not easy anywhere. Here's an example with just a couple minutes of perusing Pew Research: http://www.people-press.org… (scroll

*Tina Belcher ehhhhhhhhhh*

I know that won't happen, but I would *love* that.

I like his correspondent work, but he's too goofy to be the anchor, even of a goofy show like TDS.

Please no. Samantha Bee, maybe, but not Jones.

I'm surprised to admit that Nygma is actually growing on me.

Out of curiosity, do you watch The Good Wife? If so, is it any better in terms of verisimilitude?