
Somebody tweets B.G. Henne's something.

I'm right on the border between Millennial and Gen X (some have dubbed us The Oregon Trail Generation), but I've definitely fallen behind in the CW shows I love since they were removed from Hulu.

Man, they're really playing up the supernatural this season. It can't have anything to do with the most supernaturally-focused Marvel movie coming out in just a couple weeks, can it?

https://www.thenation.com/a… (The gist: the movie minimizes the historical role of women in the fight, and also plays up rape as a motivating factor for Turner's rebellion.)

I really wish if they had to end coverage of Black-ish, they could have done so after this week's episode, rather than the Disney World advertisement episode.

I get that, but I guess it still seems over-the-top enough that it doesn't make me cringe like the all-too-believable serial killer reminiscing of Good Old Days.

Haven't watched the show, but I'm always happy to see Malcolm Barrett on TV.

On the subject of Weird Al, what does everyone think is his most twisted song? It's an oldie, but I'd go with Good Old Days.

I just learned this now.

Sagittarius' horoscope is the best.

"Palpable"? Did Kevin mean "palatable"?

I thought Jeb Bush was low-energy. It's so exhausting keeping track these days.

Did we ever actually see his dead body? I'm only up through episode 4 so I don't know past that, but I don't recall that we saw him dead, just heard it. Then again, we heard it from Reva, and she clearly wasn't upfront with Luke (at first).

Where's Hannibal?

They're all lesbians. It's the only logical explanation for why they're not all hitting on me.

Those sea scallops sound amazing.

You forgot "and it mi-ight be-e"

How come NPR never offered *those* gifts?

Hopefully psychics had really nice asses.

I never tried it, but Nerds are hard enough to crunch when they're not in ice cream. I can imagine dentists were an even bigger fan of that one than the M&M.