
and the restaurant looked at me.

God, Amy Hacker should've gotten an Emmy nomination for her performance here. This may be my favorite episode of the series so far.

Where were the parents at?

Plus that metal top flying at the camera that only happened in the trailer, and the flying cow (twice!).

I enjoyed all four of those films, but then again I was in elementary school at the time.

I remember seeing it in the theaters and loving the hell out of it as a 9-year-old. I even convinced my parents to buy me (or saved up to buy it myself?) the Rocketeer PC game, which I recall being rather frustrating.

How about keeping all the assorted bootlegs and demos of your favorite bands/singers who are bigger than indie bands but not at the Coldplay level? I've been purging in advance of moving in with my girlfriend, but I can't get rid of any of my Fiona Apple, Bjork, or Marilyn Manson (shut up) singles and bootlegs.

I think the only album-version song I preferred to his versions was "Window."

I didn't enjoy Idler Wheel as immediately on first listen as I had her other albums, but it grew on me after about three go-rounds.

The first time I heard her music I was in a movie theatre waiting to see Spike Lee's 'Get On the Bus', and between the setting and the sound of her first single 'Shadowboxer', my white teenage brain pictured some old black woman singing it. I sought out the song (thanks, AOL!) and fell hard for 'Tidal,' particularly

It sounds more like Everyone's Gone to the Rapture…In Space! to me.

Yeah, Slither is more in the vein of a Tremors or something of that ilk.

The original was clearly the best, but I enjoyed #2 far better than Rizov did at the time. I may have to rewatch it, though. I probably didn't catch at the time the digs at Polanski, et al in the third, and maybe that bumps it up a bit, but it was far too goofy for my tastes (I remember groaning when the knife gets

Seriously. But it shows her range and ability that she can steal the scene whether she's chewing scenery or quietly contemplating her actions.

Me too!

Brimstone was my first experience of supernatural TV series one-season cancellation disappointment. I still wish I could watch it somewhere though I wonder if it would hold up as well as I remember (particularly the episode where John Glover plays multiple roles).

Calm down, Magnolia-Fan.

So am I the only one who's thinking Mateo (Jr) is Latin Lover Narrator? Or possibly Sr? He mentioned at the start that the 12th was an important day for him.

Hardly. I find it telling that, generally speaking, only people who fancy Tennant seem to prefer him as the Doctor. People I know who judge the Doctors by their performances almost uniformly prefer Smith to Tennant.