
That's what he said.

Nope, Closer works best with Ace of Base's "All That She Wants." Seriously. Look it up.

Simpsons asked themselves first!

I *insist* you eat it anyway!

I get the concern about the Irving storyline, but he's a distraction at worst. Hawley is straight up annoying. I really hope he's gone for a long time, though I suspect its too much to ask for that he is gone for good.


Well you were probably distracted by how Holt changed your first name in autocorrect.

Glorious, wonderful nightmares.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of Bob's mono/dialogues with inanimate objects.

This needs way more likes.

To be fair, you'd probably be "riper" too if you spent all day in a suit of armor.

TV By The Numbers and their comment section are all but unanimous that it has no chance of returning. :(

I'd love to be up Abbie's ass, but not because I'm whining.

I never got that far in Supernatural. After about two seasons of feeling like I was watching the same damn thing every episode, I just gave up.

Some are more equal than others?

You're being sarcastic, right?

Stop trying to make make fetch happen.

Needs more commas.

Didn't NIN's "Perfect Drug" also utilize such forests? Granted, I guess you would call those gothic/industrial forests, rather than grunge forests, (and yes, I'm aware they were based on paintings), but hey, close enough.

Best animated food award goes to Ratatouille.