
TOO SOON. Oh wait, that's not a Genie quote.

Beer Bad. I rest my case.

See yourself out.

Yeah, s3 is still the best overall but I don't get the s6 hate. s4 is clearly the worst anyway, despite Hush and Restless.

Robert Paulson?


It wouldn't be too much of a cluster on a Wednesday, and it's near most of the lines. Not as many options near, say, Metro Center. I think it's a good option FWIW.

Yay! My Wednesdays just opened up (because I'm single…) so I can finally put faces to the names I used to see when I posted regularly!

But they've got a whole line of Kitchens for it!
(Is CPK still a thing?)

Do you live in Spain?

In DC, pretty much all the "Mexican" restaurants are staffed and run by Salvadorans.

Old Bay? They in Maryland?

It's miles ahead of KFC, no question, but the best chain fried chicken I ever had was Church's Chicken in Kansas City.
In general, the rule of thumb is the poorer the area (whether we're talking inner city or the sticks), the better the fried chicken.

Evil may be stupid, but good is dumb.

I don't suffer nearly the level of depression that many here have spoken of - I'm not sure it even rises (lowers?) to the level of depression - but all the same, I often think about driving off a bridge or jumping off of a high building, not in a MY LIFE IS TERRIBLE I MUST END IT ALL sense, but just "I wonder what

Is it only the sheeple who have to wake up?

THERE's Firefly!

So would you also add to that pretty much every female protagonist on a Bryan Fuller TV show?

Yeah, this last season has been really all over the place (not that it didn't have its ups and downs even when Garcia was still showrunner), but I'm still gonna miss it.

Despite the fact that they're both short brunettes with youthful faces, I really don't think Woodward and Page look that much alike. But I wouldn't say no to seeing them play/be lesbians on screen.