
Or the far less clever "This Isn't X-Men: Days of Future Past: The XXX Parody."

Honestly, the comment sections of the AV Club are one of the few Internet comment sections that don't make me depressed for humanity.

Well, what else would expect from a coupla goys.


Well, yes, he is a beautiful man. Still, how often on a major network show is a man of color set up as the ideal specimen, particularly in reference to aspects often ridiculed about such people. I just think that's really cool.

So this is in reference to last week's episode, which I just saw yesterday, but how cool was it that a black man's nose was noted by the nanobot plastic surgeon as an ideal nose?

A hill

The last artist death to hit me this hard/unexpectedly was Elliott Smith. One of the best damn actors around (and I thought that when he was still alive).

If you don't like Duchovny pulling out, you probably shouldn't watch "Californication."

It seems the situation is as plain as the dicknose on his face.

They should've just gone with the cheesy home-made video, for business purposes. It's pretty much a given that in the Internet age, that advertisement would've gone viral like crazy and people would be showing up in droves.

I just find it amusing that this is the second time the American Denisof is playing a British character. I'm just waiting for James Marsters to appear as a colleague.

I've noticed in the last year or so the grades on this show have gone up considerably. I stopped watching sometime in the first season because I felt like the show was going nowhere. So I'm wondering for those of you who've been through the ups and downs when the show really turned around and became worth watching for

Having watched Bob for over a year, but only having seen Mirman (live!) about a month ago, I realize that Gene is just Eugene with a little more yelling.

Judging by the earlier discussions, I'm apparently one of the few who really enjoys both the twisted absurdity and cruelness of American Dad (plus the aforementioned FX[X] comedies) AND the sweet absurdity of Bob's Burgers and P&R. But I will admit that, like you, I prefer the latter shows because the sweetness gives

"I made this guy say yes with my body!"

Eh, she's no hero. She puts her bra on one boob at a time, like everyone else.

In years? What about the stage play?

Eh, they never meant shit to me.

Best magic show I ever saw in person: Ricky Jay.