
I got a Fiona Apple notification for this?

If we're talking late teens like most of these characters are supposed to be, probably the ability to make my legs grow and shrink because I desperately wanted to be taller.

Well, at least one of the people in the jumper at the end was quite obvious.

Poorer than the median income of those watching the other shows. Like someone making $200,000 is "poorer" than someone making $1,000,000. Not poor, but poorER. This is basic English, dude. I get that you're upset with your lot in life, but that's neither here nor there.

Doesn't matter how deep or from where. I believe that's your mom's motto.

What part of the suffix "-est" don't you understand? It's relatively poor.

Rich people watch like THIS; poor people watch like THIS.
(Interestingly, I watch three shows on the "poorest" list and two shows, but only one religiously, on the "richest" list… even though my income puts me near the top of the median incomes on the "richest" list.)

Agreed. The writing regarding news stories others (like TDS or TCR) were already covering frankly wasn't as consistently funny as TDS and TCR were, but it offered a different perspective than those shows or the major network late shows offered, and that'll be missed.

Unlike the reviewers here, I think this may have been my favorite episode so far, or at least since the pilot. The action seemed better (it probably helped it didn't rely quite so much on CGI as the super-powered eps do), the lines seemed funnier, and everyone just felt more on their game. Even Skye bugged me less

Especially when it's black.

So Willem Dafoe's out?

I positively despise you.

Cursive's Tim Kasher on how it turns out he really doesn't hate Fun.'s "Some Nights," now that he thinks about it.

Nice to see Rip Taylor is still getting work.

So let's set this room on fire.

Why aren't you expecting to be fellated? It's pretty awesome. I mean, unless you don't have a penis.

I was totally rooting for Midge. But the movie is all about obsession anyway, so the comforting presence could never win over the mystery woman.

Well, she's a mopey pixie dream girl.

Do the comics also come across as less racist and sexist than the movie did?
