
Yeah, Scott is such a dick to her. Sure, she starts out as a fangirl, but she matures really quickly.

That's what I spent most of my time doing while the government was shut down.

Are you giving yourself diarrhea in the hopes that the time spent on the toilet will make the six days and 23 hours go faster? This puzzles me.

Leonard Pierce's ghost and Rand Paul's ghost would have lots to talk about.

How long *did* The Onion last in DC? I remember picking up a few copies here and there, and then it just…stopped.

R.L. Stine was behind Eureeka's Castle?! Mind *BLOWN*.

So is Portman actually useful in this movie? Her presence seemed totally wasted in the first Thor.

Before I worked at Blockbuster, I used to visit the local Blockbuster in my early/mid-teens, and whether it's because the Blockbuster was near a university (and thus employed college kids) or for some other reason, the employees were actually pretty knowledgable about relatively obscure movies. I remember the Foreign

Well, yeah. The exit polls make it pretty clear that the vote was more AGAINST Cuccinelli than it was FOR McAuliffe.

I wish I could link to the McLaughlin Group SNL skit with Dana Carvey here.

If he can make it through the primary process, I think he wins the election, even if he loses NJ. Whether it's deserved or not, he has the reputation as a pragmatic straight-talker, and I think that'd go over well in a lot of the swing states.

Well, third way Democrats are pretty much the only kind of Democrats that will win statewide offices in Virginia for the foreseeable future. It's still a very purple state.

Now that McAuliffe won, I can finally 'come out' to my bleeding heart parents that I voted for the Libertarian candidate. If I'd known that the Delegate race in my district was going to be so lopsided for the Democrat, I would've voted for the Libertarian there too.
Not because I agree with all their stances (I'm more

I await your family thanking me for the downvote.

Funky bass? Like the Seinfeld riff?

Yeah, that site BECAME inaccessible to me last week between the time I logged on and the time I hit "post" on a comment. I felt like I was caught red-handed.

Unless Joss was listed as a writer or director on this episode, don't blame or credit him for this show. It's mainly his relations (brother[s], sister-in-law) that are the showrunners on SHIELD.

I enjoyed this episode overall, but two things took me out of it - one, near the beginning, when Abbie is talking with her boss (Jones) and he says, ""There are two things in life I think a person should hold onto as long as possible: virginity and skepticism. Surprisingly, I already lost the first thing, so I'm going

I didn't say there's anything wrong with it, just that I'm already a fan of spoof movies, so it makes sense I'd be open to that sensibility in Last Action Hero.

"Howard Stern…His…Private Parts…were clearly bulging."