
I also loved this movie as a kid, but then I loved Airplane!, Hot Shots!, and Top Secret! as well. I haven't watched it recently to see if it still holds up for me, though.
I'm also a huge fan of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (as well as Die Hard), so to realize that Shane Black (co-)wrote this makes me all the more excited to

Elmer Season!

How about nut busting?

Look at my shit…ty writing.

Faps or Frames?

Yeah, but it spends most of its time covered by a magic towel.

I'm pretty sure it's called Agents Assemble.

148, sucka! I also love cheese (but it doesn't love me).

They ALWAYS shit way too much on Andre. It's my biggest complaint about the show. I mean, even Looney Tunes let Elmer Fudd or Daffy Duck win from time to time.

Loves albums utilizing backward masking…

It's worth it just to avoid the advertisements.

They've got these big chewy pretzels…

Misfits is available through Hulu again. Will we be getting reviews of its newest season?

Yeah, it just showed up on my Hulu queue. I didn't even realize there was another season.

Yeah, it just showed up on my Hulu queue. I didn't even realize there was another season.

I was refering specifically to "I'll give ye'r living room drapes a taste of me broadsword."

Only when she's going to San Francisco.

Sean is surprisingly terse in his replies. Some might even consider him laconic.

"You know Katniss is a girl, right, dude?"

There's a lesson to be learned from this.