
I was 7, on vacation with my parents in Rhode Island, as I recall, at some cafe and they overheard some people saying that Robert Plant sitting nearby. I'd bought the magic book earlier that day - because what kid doesn't love magic tricks? - and so (not knowing who the hell Robert Plant was or having ever heard of

He could be a closeted gay frat dude bro.


@persia2:disqus : And a dream is a wish your heart makes!

Like the guy's probably enormous manboobs! Woo! Up high!

No, there was just the right amount of Peretti: the opening credits.

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus As opposed to the normal happy bulimia!

Well, you should be happy (?) to know that the preacher is gone now.

I know he talks about women a lot, but is anyone else getting a bit of a gay vibe from Peter?

Well, we have to make contact with two employers per week.

I say do one useful thing each day that you've been putting off (say, getting a car checked? making sure your voting registration is current so you can vote the GOP fuckers out of office if you live in a competitive district/state?), then getting exercise (if you don't have any physical limitations that may prevent

I'd like to see some nudity for once.

So it is possible to date, breakup, and come back together years later? Glad to hear it. :)

If only it offered American Dad "benefits."

It does kinda suck that Jesus never got laid - the last temptation doesn't count.

At least I don't have to breathe other people's smoke now. I love it when smokers use e-cigs. If they're going to insist on smoking despite all the science that tells them not to, that's their problem. I don't want your secondhand smoke.

Since we furloughed feds will supposedly get backpay (though I guess the Senate hasn't decided yet), and you have to pay taxes on unemployment and I'll have to pay back the unemployment as well… I'm wondering if it's worth it to get unemployment in the first place, or just spend my liquid savings down until I go back

How many sizes of house do you have?

And then they'll be collector's items! I can finance my retirement!

Just watched it. Anyone who isn't moved by her story or her inner strength is just a terrible person. I'm not even exaggerating.