
Quite a Lot of Gods Bless You.

I'm actually kinda serious. I live near a Metro station, so as long as the Metro is still working…

I find that exercise HELPS with gas. I mean, unless you're behind the gassy person.

Um, maybe I didn't do it properly, or maybe there's a different name for it - it's got all the ingredients of shepherd's pie but not the crust. It's ground turkey and veggies on the bottom and mashed potatoes on the top, but that's it.

I think the proper answer is "everything but rap and country."

That was quick.

I have Robert Plant's autograph on the cover of my copy of The Klutz Book of Magic.

Smitten and nearly smited?

Okay, not meetup related, but I recently saw a post elsewhere about the "best" fake storefronts that hide hip NYC/Boroughs speakeasies. My question: do y'all know about these? And are they actually any good, or just there to keep out the tourists?

Still Fucking Furloughed Thread

There's a Smart Car parked outside my building every morning with a Don't Tread On Me license plate. I mean, sure, libertarians could drive small cars, but it still strikes me as a bit odd.

Good luck with everything. Granted, it was mainly situational depression for me, but once I found the right medication - AND the right therapist, it's amazing how useful one can be - I made real strides. I hope you can find the same. And I realize you may need to see a psychiatrist to at least get a prescription

Short hair looks good on pretty much all women. Nice!

I made Shepherd's Pie for the first time ever! I'm not much of a cook, but my ex (who I'm still friendly with - it was an outside-forces-breakup, not a either-one-of-us-did-a-bad-thing breakup) was able to write a recipe in a way I could understand it, and it came out really yummy. It'll also last me a week, which is

Can I join you? I'll bring beer.


Still my favorite JT song.

She needs a smicky-smack.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus "Now show us where on the dolly it was touching."