
@e_buzz_miller:disqus Koo-koo-ka-choo?

THANK you for catching the rainbow folders. I was thinking I was the only one.

I'd like to tell you where to shove that hospital bill, but I know you'd easily be able to afford getting it removed.

Next year, on NBC: Desperately Lost.

4. There may be rules about that, but there was an off-camera remark that the medic in the tent was tripping on shrooms or something, so I guess they thought SOMEONE needed to step up, and well, there they were.

The bit that creeped me out was when it dawns on everyone why the transcript ran out.

Just watched "Manhattan" the other night. Yeah, not so much. Even the sad bits weren't as upsetting as they were the first time around.

The Lonely Island - Mama
Of Monsters and Men - Six Weeks
Fun. - We Are Young
Dispatch - Valentine (Live)
Mary Travers - Follow Me

In some ways, this seems like the most perverse part of it - I mean, yes, you know that you'll EVENTUALLY get all your back pay, but however long it takes, you're indentured servants.

Because the babies definitely and the parents probably wouldn't be voting for Republicans.

@avclub-03e6a77cf82cb3a691a80c326d7bc255:disqus : Yes, of course, those on WIC are suffering worse than probably most all federal employees, but it seems like their suffering is getting more attention in the press than that of the feds.

Nobody went with a Dick Sucking Lips joke?
I don't know whether to be disappointed or impressed.

I drink ALone Star every week.

I did that a couple of years ago! I will say, having gone with a gf, that they tend to try and freak out the women more than they do the men (presumably because they think they'll get a bigger reaction), but it was fun, and the setting alone is pretty awesome.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to decorate the outside of my apartment since this is my first fall here.

(Sounds like someone was especially lascivious approx. 9 months ago!)
(How many months late am I with that joke?)

Ha ha! Congress couldn't get its act together, so I'm temporarily jobless and can finally hang out here!

Like Tootsie Rolls!

Do NOT eat the Starburst Candy Corns. They are an abomination. (And not in a good way, like gay people.)

This week was a terrible example. I usually enjoy BB as much as AD, but Sunday's AD was excellent, while its BB was pretty painful.