
Just because you can remember doesn't mean you were of sound enough mind to give consent. This was seriously f'ed up, and if Franco had been the sober one and Sevigny as falling-down drunk, there'd probably be pitchforks over at Fox HQ. (I'm not saying there shouldn't be people protesting that situation, but that both

Speaking of rape-y, do you watch The Mindy Project? Because Franco's character was falling down drunk when he and the character played by Chloe Sevigny had sex. I found that really offensive, but it was passed off as if it was no big deal.

If we'd gone on three dates and she didn't reply, that'd definitely be rude. After just one, I don't feel there's as much of an obligation, but yeah, it'd be nice.

I felt like her hair was in her face more than in the pilot…

I think Peretti has a nicer body, but I definitely like Beatriz's attitude more, so I'd go with Beatriz as well. I think she could kick my ass…and I like that.

I laughed a lot more at the pilot. Then again, I'd had a couple beers before the pilot and really needed the laughs, so…

Especially when he's eating.

I'm liking it!

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus Hey, I've got long legs and a short torso too!
…but that's because I used to be short before I had leg-lengthening surgery.

Out of curiosity, are you white?


@avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus: If it's a gold ring, it seems like everyone and their mother is offering CASH FOR GOLD! Granted, you won't get back what you spent, but it's something. (And, even better, there's no longer that reminder sitting around your home.)

Went out on my very first date since my breakup. We had really hit it off via the messages (frankly, where I'm best) and then we met up. The conversation went okay, I guess, but there definitely weren't any sparks. I messaged her a day later saying it'd be nice to see her again. Gave her a day to reply, and when I

No bouncing? Aww.

Oh, is that what you want? Because that's how you get deer!

I have to admit I got bitchy this weekend about walking in the woods and seeing two beautiful deer who were scared off by a runner who flew past me, and I had to admit I didn't understand what the point was in running through the woods when you're going too fast to appreciate your surroundings. I realize that's

What kind of race is it? Like, 5K, 10K, crazymarathonness?

10% on baked goods?!?

For what it's worth, Starburst Candy Corn are terrible. 

As someone who's both a pedestrian while in DC and a driver out in the suburbs, I can see both sides, but this is where I ultimately come down: Go ahead and jaywalk, but only in such a way that it doesn't impede those who HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. If you can make it across the street in the 3 seconds the crosswalk says