
Do you live anywhere but a major Mid-Atlantic/Northeastern city? Because anyone who hails from a non-east coast city/town/whatever tends to walk sooooo slooooowly. Part of the reason I couldn't live anywhere else.

Are you two related somehow (you and @avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus)? If this is general knowledge I apologize for being ignorant.

Is there any way to distract yourself so as to break that cycle? Or do you just have to ride it out?

I actually just got panic attacks for the first time last week. NOT FUN. But I suspect it's temporary just because I've got some unusual stressors hanging over my head right now.

Not Lying

I've got some art on my walls, but I needed the input of my (now ex)girlfriend to figure out how to organize it all.  When I ultimately get married, I hope I marry someone who enjoys that stuff - I like offering input, but I'm not going to be the one who comes up with some cool unifying approach. For examples:

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus I'm pretty sure the newsletter would just say "Fuck it" over and over again.


If only the exchange between Andy Dunn and the kid had been changed ever-so-slightly:

Oh my God, you killed Andy!
You bastards!

"Four sweater vests!"

God, you are SUCH a smartass.

This is the other big problem with second episodes - they generally have to have both their own stories and rehash what happened in the pilot for those who didn't catch it. Presumably this should be less of a problem these days with the relative ease of watching an older episode (either online or through your cable

@Porkchop Sandwich: I never watched that show, but I'd put in a good word (or, more appropriately, an EEEEEVIL word) for John Glover's Devil on Brimstone.

@jean-luc : Curious: Yellow was also pretty good.

Why does he hate Darkwing Duck so much?

I'm single, but I still consider Kevin more the main character, just because he's a bit more pathetic (which I suppose I relate to somewhat). Pete seems way too competent to be interesting.

Bill Albert?