
I hereby submit Dana's dating plan from Sports Night, and Sam and Rebecca trying to have a baby on Cheers.

Thing that bugs me about "Run For Your Life" is, the tune and the groove is so good. It's almost impossible for me to not sing along to the song, even though I know it's terrible and misogynistic. Stupid Beatles.

I think it goes without saying McCartney was the best musician in the group, Lennon would probably have agreed on that.

And then, we will dance.

Hey, least I'm not the only one thinkin this!

More than you wanted, or more than you could possibly imagine?

So when Christian Slater orgasms, he looks like Charlie Day?

Generally speaking, of course, sex = good. The polarizing elements of Antichrist = lord jesus fuck agghghghghghghhhhhhhh.

That. . . uh, no. No, you're not.

It's a pretty huge part of the main plot. I say watch it, once the shock of Bowie and Iggy wears off.

I remember watching it in the mid-90's, on HBO. *EDITED SPOILER ALERT* When Kingsley actually confessed at the end, it totally threw me off. I don't really know why either, I guess I wasn't totally expecting that to happen, and it just threw the movie's moral compass right out the window. I haven't seen the movie

Devil's advocate here, and all jokes aside - has it been determined without a doubt that this was nonconsensual sex? I always thought there was some dispute, and the probation report listed the girl as mature and willing.

Again, not saying what Polanski did was okay here, but it wasn't a toddler. It's a vile situation already, let's not make it more vile.

Don't you mean the Mandarin?

It's a really good movie, very unsettling.

I really don't think there's much similarity here, other than LCD media bias. Personally, I'm neither a Polanski hater or an Allen hater, but Polanski's behavior is far more dubious and potentially criminal. Allen's might be weird, but it wasn't illegal, and they've been together for more than 20 years so I don't

I'm with you on the 20-year cycle. Which means we can expect a Hootie revival about this time next year.

Do you feel real? If so, I'd like to know.

As much as I love "Parsley, Sage. . ." the demos he recorded around this time, and the material that made it onto "The Paul Simon Songbook" are better than the finished album.

Or Steven Wright.