
Yeah, this is a great album. I'm just glad they came up with something stronger than "Write About Love." (Which wasn't exactly bad, it was just a letdown after 'Waitress' and 'Life Pursuit.')

This was the very first movie I watched with the explicit intent of seeing a naked woman. My older brother asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with naked ladies, and then we watched "Revenge Of The Nerds." I think I was 7 or 8 at the time.


Wewease Godziwwa!!!

The dude's 59 years old, give him a break.

Basically, the whole reason that movie got made was a total fluke - the executive producer was sick throughout most of the shoot, so the director had complete control over the production, and the result was the bizarre acid Kool-Aid mindfuck we have today.

Or this running subplot: A fisherman picks up a survivor of a Godzilla shipwreck. Then the rescue ship becomes the victim of another Godzilla shipwreck, and only the fisherman survives. The fisherman floats ashore at his island home, only to be killed, along with his family, when Godzilla comes ashore a couple days

Yeah, but it's sure gonna be better than "Godzilla Vs. Megalon."

Yeah, I'll admit I still think the Bob and Doug MacKenzie version is pretty great. It's more their delivery and the general progression of the song than the actual jokes, but it is pretty funny.

The song's actually called "Happy Christmas," but I'm liking the nuptial concept a lot more.

Ba-da bum bum. . .

Even if a Christmas song is somewhat funny (see Weird Al's "Christmas At Ground Zero"), the humor wears off super quickly, so instead of hearing a Christmas song and going, "Hey, this brings back a lot of great memories," I hear a "funny" song and think, "Oh yeah, I remember when I thought this was kinda funny once.

"Great news for Minnesota drivers!"

Maybe I'm getting old, and I haven't heard it yet, but "My Baby Lamb Has Christmas Cancer" sounds terrible.

'ow did you know my name was Eric?

Psst. . . sir. It's "you are." If you're going to flaunt your intellectual superiority, you might want to make sure you're using correct spelling/grammar. That way, it's harder for us to automatically assume you're a sad troll with nothing better to do than try and antagonize people on a pop culture website.

Ho it, haha it, guard it, turn it, parry it, dodge it, spin it, THRUST!!! it.

At least they didn't try and revive the dead dog out on Highway 31. That would have changed the tone considerably.

I'm just gonna say you should listen to "Highway Patrolman" right now. Now. Stop what you're doing and listen to it, it might be Springsteen's best song. Yeah, I'm going there.

When I was younger, I thought rape jokes could be funny in a "so offensive but it's okay cuz we're just laughing at it" kind of way. Since then, as I've come to learn just how many of my friends have been raped or assaulted in some form, I can't make those jokes any more. You can say "hey, it's a joke, lighten up,"