lazlo woodbine

It is so clear now that Ford thinks himself a god. After all he can heal the sick , heal pain, and change someone's story entirely, and he built the whole place ( all… of it).

I was also wondering about how they have such sophisticated androids, yet only use them as glorified punching bags. But is that all the androids are used for? I am pretty sure Teresa isn't "real", judging by the way Bernard keeps noticing and chuckling at her mannerisms…

Why does Bernard never stand up straight. His head is always lowered or he is bending forward. So odd.

"The fact that there is even a “pop culture angle” to any of this shit that could place it under The A.V. Club’s purview"

That puzzled me. How could they know that there was a host out and about and not know that the effing founder was the person responsible?

They do love escalators, don't they? Almost as much as they hate security. Seriously? She can run out of one lab, out of the building, up into the next lab to see the reprocessing. She faints, and only then the two d-bags catch up to her. Without anyone noticing.

Also, the escalators - lot's of them. Did mankind develop some sort of allergy to elevators?

Is it really a consequence free experience? I wonder how many people come back with PTSD

they tuk err jerbbs!

Yay for free tickets! But to what? There is no eligible events list ( I assumed we would have a non-finalized version). Oh well, The Four Seasons at some casino somewhere it is, then.Possibly The Eagles.

Once again, another pretty young woman.


It was there in the background for a lot of scenes. A Checkov's gun, if you will.

Did they ever mention what sort of mental illness Pete was suffering from? I am assuming Schizophrenia, but I don't recall them ever saying it out loud

Sorry but bad news, George Coe, the actor who played Woodhouse died last year.

I thought "My Struggle" was the Enlish Translation of Mein Kampf

I have heard it said by people who I thought were smarter that Trump is a plant.

Could be worse, it could have been Gatiss

I don't hate her, because I truly believe she is mentally ill.

That was suprisingly verbose. Nice job