lazlo woodbine

But enough about Trump. Hey-O!

it's her cadence too. Captivating

Yeah, I have seen a lot of this on the show. Creative camera angles will on disguise so much, and crowds are a big weakness. But I love Doctor Who, so I am very big on forgiveness about the weak spots,

when you someone tweet it

you have a woman's guest shot!

I splooshed. I didn't just get dehydrated, I think I lost weight.

I feel weird for being ok with this. And I am old, cold and scared of new and shiny things.

Repeal and Replace!
We are still doing politics here, right?


It's different in the book. She has a body cam so her testimony isn't totally relevant. That said, they might pick that up in the show since she kept asking them to find the drone footage.


I'm just glad we have Russia to decide what is and what is not propaganda.

always? I would think that is the sort of mistake you only get to make once.

Shut up and sit down you big bald fuck!

We demand to be taken seriously!

My favorite line of hers so far - " I know how the fucking thing works. Answer my question!"

Burn Him! Burn his face first!

I hope he ends up quadraspazzed on a life glug

Fired from the Daily Mirror.
Fired from CNN.

I don't think I'll ever understand why Americans ( very generally) are so adverse to the word Cunt. Can anyone describe Piers Morgan in any other way?