lazlo woodbine

Oh, Bollocks!!!

And Colin Salmon played Dr Moon in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. It's like there is this big Dr Who Actors union over there…

I do agree it is almost reckless to portray psychics as a real 'thing', but I do like the fact that he proved to be no help at all. So there's that, I suppose.

Wellll you could try doctor who, since the guy who wrote Broadchurch (Chris Chibnal) also writes for Doctor Who occasionally.  But that's a tv show that is either your cup of tea or it isn't. Personally I haven't been back to the UK in  a long time so I too am curious as to what other shows are out there that I have

I squealed with delight when the giant space octopus swooped down and destroyed the entire town. For a show that was supposed to be about solving the murder of an 11 year old boy, I wasn't expecting that twist!

That does not robo-pute!
Urgh, I think I just tore a tendon with that stretch.

Well it had Cranston. But Cohagen was such a badly written character  it almost made Cranston look like a shit actor.

I had a school friend called Mark Plonka. I imagine every fellow Brit on this site will refuse to believe that.

This reminds me of the boy with an arse for a face

If there is any clearer signal that anal is off the menu, I can't think what it is.

When I think of 'fit for touring', I always think Ozzy. Brummie Twat (disclosure, I am a Brummie)

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus  Please share the secrets of your wi-fi-kwan-do…

Yeah sorry the tone was off. But I did see it live though, as scheduled. I would have sworn comcast would be the first to screw this up but they didn't. I swear!

Ermm no. I am in Seattle and got the show just fine.

Malcolm Tucker is a shape-shifter

I am not sure. But if so, then it could well be someone we've never heard of

This is something I have been wondering about - has there ever been a live event to announce a new Doctor before? It's why I doubt it will be a relatively unknown actor…

I don't know about anybody else, but my money is on a holographic Jimmy Saville


Hugh Laurie will be the next doctor in Doctor Who. There is no evidence for it, but it is scientific fact.