lazlo woodbine

Gah. They should have gone with Wes Studi, cos he's awesome.

He may live, but only with his neck as an internal organ.

We threw this crowd a dummy full of GUTS. It lasted 8 seconds.

You didn't notice me because I only work 4 scenes..

Throw in Brian Blessed and Christopher Lee and I'm in

That reminds of me of a quote from 'A Touch of Cloth'

What a wisible idea. Thwough him to the floor!

Answer : Yes

A Touch of Cloth - a TV series starring Batiatus and the TARDIS? Count me in!

She was like a candle in the wind. Unreliable.

This will literally be my reply to any discussion on the use of literally/figuratively.

I really do want to know the difference between "Starring" , "Guest Star", "Special Guest Star", "and" and "with" is in terms of TV credits.

I'm sorry, but did you just say "rip off the Borg"???

Keith no longer writes for the AV Club, sadly.

Well we all know at which Imperial Academy he was trained then, don't we?

"Maybe everyone saying "Doctor who?" is some kind of foreshadowing to the
moment in which the most important question will be answered"

I am still wondering about that. She must have struck *some* kind of deal with Ceasar beyond getting him to escort her to the encampment.

compuserve. Which I just checked, and it still exists. Eeeesh.

I once rubbed one out in less than 12 parsecs

Is that you Jimmy Saville?