Aurora Boreanaz

What's this? What's this?  Tween romance everywhere!  There's bullshit in the air…

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad,

It's a horrible creature that goes by the name of "Jamie Campbell Bower".

Just push him into the Dome with a shirt pocket full of batteries.

We're stuck here like people imprisoned on a show that started off okay but is getting crappier by the week!

Classic Domesby!

Pretty much, nope.

I swear I saw T-Dog in the looting scene, just standing in the background.

So far I like their attempts to make the characters more three-dimensional, though Dean Norris is the only one who is pulling it off acting-wise.  And yeah, trying to make Junior sympathetic is just that minus the sym- part.

A former fashion model, apparently.

…says the non-union Mexican equivalent.

Oh, brother, brother!

Might be a good idea to clarify, as your comment seems to indicate that rib sauce and beer were immediately followed by the list today.

Yeah, why can't she be more true to herself, like M.I.A.?

Danica is a math genius, and Crystal is an attorney.  Smart family!

I never understood that either.  And all that bullshit about the teacher who named a teddy bear Muhammad and nearly got killed…seriously?  Fuck that bullshit excuse for a religion.  I mean, fuck ALL religions, but especially that one.

The chain letter is back!

Oh, I don't think price fixing is a bad idea, on the contrary.  Maybe I should have explained in more detail.

There still needs to be accountability somewhere in the system.  The big problem is that everyone has been trained to say "Oh, it's the hospital, so you gotta pay what you gotta pay."  Except if everyone hadn't (directly or indirectly) agreed to that pricing model, it wouldn't be in place.

I don't want a utopia, that would be fucking boring.  I just want a country where people with obvious physical deformities can get treated in a timely fashion so it would cost them (and us as taxpayers) less in the long run.