Aurora Boreanaz

"I made this with a Wii dev kit in an airplane bathroom!  What?  It came up organically…"

Sharknado 2: Uno Jaws

PROBLEM: Crispin Glover was only in the first movie.  He was replaced by a lookalike actor, Jeffrey Weissman, for the sequels.  So that comparison pic, if taken from BTTF2, is the wrong person.

Yeah, that's how I finally figured out the name of the original.  The sequel was just stupid.

Trilogy of Terror was one of the first films to give me (memorable) nightmares as a child.

Say hi to your Megatron for me!

Fake words?  "Glarble foogity schlompadoo!"

Yeah, this was pretty damn inspired.


Roman Troy Moronie's "Ingloribus Bastages"

See also Vincent Gallo's "I Make Movies So I Can Have Sex With Female Celebrities!"

I suppose that's acceptable.

Nope, no more than a day or two at a time, anyway.


Up All Night has been retooled into a breakfast cereal!

I think he fell down an elevator shaft onto some bullets…

That's a pretty organic train of thought.

We coined MPDG and Steakflower!

And now they're replacing Mr. Steakflower with a character who likes…steak…flowers?  Is that even a slang term?

"YEAH! Nude for Satan!  Dead things and metal other things!  Dark, dark, zombie, blood, DARK!"