"There were, relatively speaking, much worse acts perpetrated than torpedoing civilian vessels in WWII." This is really saying something.
"There were, relatively speaking, much worse acts perpetrated than torpedoing civilian vessels in WWII." This is really saying something.
I haven't had a chance to see the recent Futurama but if you've seen early Futurama and think it's shit, you are stupid beyond the level of stupid which can be captured by my keyboard.
I promise I myself am not involved with the Chicago production but I saw it and the lead girl is teh Hawt. So's the lead guy actually…
Absolutely correct. That concept ruined "The Contender" for me too. I really liked the play, where the atheism is not an element. I'm really sad they decided to fucking destroy it with something so blatantly unrealistic.
Enterprise defenders are insane. The Star Wars prequels are better than Enterprise.
Keep him the fuck away from Sasha and Malia.
Shit, dude, I wouldn't put the first two seasons of Enterprise against the first two seasons of *TNG*, especially not the second.
I'm sad that the Kids themselves don't like it because it's as good as anything that was ever on their TV show.
I love Brain Candy. It captured what it was like to live in this crazy world circa 1996 pretty well.
Kent was played accurately as a dumb farm boy, played by 45 year old Tom Welling.
Holy shit, I looked up his actual age and he is older than me, and I was past college age when the show started airing.
Fair nuff
"pretty much every white person in America was a Reagan-worshipping neocon." Um, I was pretty young at the time but I can promise you this was not the case in Evanston, Illinois. Granted he did win Illinois, and 48 other states in 1984.
What was the title of the story? Otherwise the spoiler warning is pretty much unnecessary.
"Superboy: A little surprised this one wasn't better received. I find the character's lack of empathy so fascinating. Want to see where they take it." It wasn't clear to me if he ignored the woman in trouble because he lacks empathy or if it was because he knew it was a simulation and he was fucking with his captors.…
Fuck all of these people for getting a three and a half day weekend for Columbus Day.
I still think he's a great writer, but yeah, poor zoologist.
The Goonies is in fact, not all that great. The other two totally are.
"Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he…
I really like the range of emotions you get in this picture. Luke and Han are intense and they're clearly trying to defend themselves with their blasters. Leia is uncharacteristically fearful and feminine, and Chewie's just having a grand old time.
Picard's *already* a Gilbert and Sullivan fan…