Joyful Pop Culture Lover

You guys are making that up. I was hoping it was true so I could throw it in the faces of my racist relatives. Thanks a lot for toying with me.

I'm trying to imagine someone asking Harrison Ford about Star Wars vs. Star Trek and the very grumpy face he would make in response.

Agreed but when you say "regained" I can only assume you mean the period from 1963-66.

And Enterprise too.

I'll put the worst moments of the Star Wars prequels above the best of Voyager, and I am greatly familiar with both.

Anakin is very troublesome to me considering that he went John Wayne Gacy on a bunch of little Jedi kids. 
Lots more kids died on Alderaan you know…Lots of problems with the prequels but I don't think Darth Vader actually being evil is one of them.

Aw, I thought Shatner was a mensch about Star Wars. He did that kickline with the Stormtroopers that one time. Also, I think Shatner and Fisher in 2011? Not inconceivable.

Oh my God, he is so handsome I am going to die-Person who was under the mistaken impression he was a straight male until Ryan Gosling came into his life.

Ghostbusters 2 is really quite an entertaining film.

But to the earlier point, is it the drop in the quality of the show (which obviously exists, not debating that) or is it a drop in the quality of Christians?

People were complaining about the Simpsons decline years before it happened. For me the golden age was 1990-2000. Ten solid years of awesome. And the last eleven years have been mostly crap but I've caught some good moments.

And I was beaten to it by seconds.

If I'm not mistaken, that Simpsons episode was based on a real life Barbie toy who said "Math is hard".

I'd put Ennis' flaw more at wallowing in depravity and shock value.

(continuing the season seven trend of having one-named performers in bit parts)

Gotta say I really like GB2 tho. I know I'm in the minority on that, maybe cuz I saw it as a young kid, while I acknowledge that it's a bit by the numbers/repetitive I also think it's really, really funny.

Here's the plan. Have Harold Ramis interview Dan Aykroid about his real life beliefs in ghosts, aliens and other paranormal phenomena. Cut to shots of Bill Murray watching incredulously and making funny faces. Release the resulting footage to theaters under the title "Ghostbusters 3".