me and the chimp

Mel Gibson couldn't agree more.

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is a notable exception to this.

"She had wings coming out of her eyes, wings coming out of her…wherever."

Did you stride away, angrily unspooling it because the president, whose life you just saved, couldn't be bothered to listen to your concerns?

Watch it, that's our next president you're slandering.

"Give a shit
Don't commit (incest)"
—-Woodsy Owllen

Don't shut the door yet, here comes Imogene Poots

"Merle Haggard, Haggard."

Yep, but I give Boomerang credit for having the balls not to edit that stuff out, although I think they mostly restrict the show to the wee hours now. But really, I'm sure Race was just kidding around that time he referred to a tribe of Amazonian Indians as "heathen monkeys." He's not called Race for nothin'.

He's always been very clear about working for a paycheck. The quality of the material is a secondary consideration. The poverty his family experienced led to his father's early death. He makes no apologies for insuring that he or his family will never be in that position.

The book's premise is so cool, and I really wanted to like it, especially as it's set in my home state. But I just couldn't get past the main character Jesse's constant whining. Also, Brom cannot write dialogue to save his soul.

I haven't seen the show, but isn't this episode fairly obviously meant to satirize the NAACP chairperson in Oregon (I think) who'd been passing as black, and continues to insist she's black, even after being revealed as the whitest of white women?

They aren't gorillas in the books. They're a fictional species Burroughs created called mangani. But it turns out that they're a lot like chimps in their habits. Burroughs couldn't have known this at the time, when most people thought chimps were adorable little clowns, instead of the murderous cavemen they turned

As someone who has logged many years teaching at both CCs and four years (and attended a CC as well), I can tell you that a hefty percentage of students graduate high school with only the most rudimentary writing skills. Freshman Comp faculty, no matter the institution, can only do so much in a semester or two to

Because it sucked. Really. If you're affection is based on childhood nostalgia, watch it again. Or don't. It sucked.

That diner scene was classic Elmore Leonard, taken right from "The Moonshine War." Leonard wrote it in the early 70s. It's set in prohibition era Kentucky, and when you read it you can just about imagine the characters as the grandparents of Raylan, Boyd, Eva and the rest.

Really? I was thinking it was Ted Cassidy.

You're both wrong. He's fighting Alabamans.

Yep, I'm from West Virginia, and you should hear some of the names among my family and acquaintances.

I didn't say anything about AIDS. If you look closely you'll see I was responding to the comments on racism, a thread that began before the AIDS issue was mentioned.