me and the chimp

True. He might arrange for Dick "Shotgun" Cheney to take you on a hunting trip.

Yes, you are correct. I was even thinking "South" as I typed. How it came out as "North" I have no idea.

That "someone," incidentally, is Andrew Card, now president of the university where I work. Bring us some of that dirty Bush money Andy!

And yet, he didn't stop Rove from planting that story during the North Carolina primary that Mcain's adopted child was really his biracial love child.

I don't think any bears were involved.

I can't decide if Patton Oswalt is wise not to even attempt the eastern Kentucky accent or just lazy. I lean towards the former, given how Joelle Carter, despite her other charms, after five seasons still can't manage anything other than a generic southern accent. Half the time I can barely understand what she's

Hmm, you may be right about the location. It's been about 20 years since I last saw it, so my memory may be failing me.
And Spuddie's right about David Warner. Hey, is it too late to get him on Justified? Have they finished taping the last episode?

Time After Time is a time travel fantasy from the late 70s. The premise is that HG Welles (Malcolm Macdowell) built an actual time machine, which Jack the Ripper uses to escape to the present. Welles pursues him and is guided through the mysteries of modern New York by Steenburgen's character.
It's a nifty little

I thought maybe Boyd's fear was more for Ava at that moment. But yeah, Elliot can be pretty intimidating with the mustache. Without it, especially when he smiles….shivers, shivers.

I think they're getting around looking like they're making fun of wounded vets by making these guys Blackwater-types.

That's what they said about chocolate and peanut butter until Reese's came along. I'm telling you, I smell a fortune in this.

How about a Sheriff Lobo?

That was my first reaction, the missed opportunity regarding GA and Morgan. And yes, that scene between Morgan and Black Canary is priceless, though it's kind of a cheap laugh in that, considering all the years he spent with Tara and Shakira, Morgan is hardly a stranger to ass-kicking women.
I also find this episode a

I'm with you. I only go to movies for which people were intentionally murdered.

Didn't Hitler have a half brother or something? I may be getting this all mixed up, but I thought he had a brother who moved to Britain during the war and married an Irish woman, and they eventually moved to Long Island, where their children still live.

Geldof is really tall. I was behind him in an airport security line once and he looked to be about 6'5 or 6'6 or so. Telling you this makes me feel special.

Everything about Tori Amos is super creepy.

You can't whip up a proper batch of Santorum if you use a rubber, man.

Yeah, I thought the same thing about Superman. He's motivated more by his feeling of helplessness in the face of Pa Kent's death (if not simply his innate virtue). Lois's temporary death simply serves to remind him of that feeling. Reeve's performance also brings a great deal of humanity to the character long

It's Bananas or nothing.