me and the chimp

Been done. Son of Kong. It was terrible.

He doesn't exactly give up. He continues to manipulate and exploit the gargoyles throughout the series (ex: the failed attempt at creating an immortality potion using gargoyle skin). The personal super-powered goon squad is just one part of a larger scheme.

Don't be embarrassed. I was about 30 when the show premiered, and loved it unashamedly.
On another note, Oliver states that the Gargoyle's trait of turning to stone at sunrise aligns them with vampires. I'd say it ties them more closely to dwarves/trolls in northern European folklore, who in some tales were said to

Does the include the mullet?

Redemption is just the right word, for both Ethan and Debbie. It was the word most commonly evoked in attempts to win the release of white captives (especially after they'd assimilated into Indian society) from the colonial period through the 19th century.
I heartily recommend reading Glenn Frankel's "The Searchers:

A fair point. I apologize for the blunder. I've edited out the offending detail (I hope it's not too late for everyone else).

My apologies. I assumed anyone avoiding the article for fear of spoilers would likewise avoid the comments.

Agreed with everyone else here. Mignola himself has said many times that he had no over-arching plan for the character when he first created Hellboy. All the beast of the apocalypse stuff just developed over time when he realized the character was a success. But mostly he wanted to have the freedom to tell stories

Ha! I used to point this out all the time whenever Jr. came up in conversation (more often than you might think). I thought I was the only one who noticed this.

Yeah, but you have to remember that Superman and Captain Marvel really did fight it out in a court of law. I always saw this episode (aside from being a part of the Cadmus storyline) and Superman's dickish behavior as a sort of parable of DC's lawsuit against Fawcett. Call this the out of court settlement.

I really enjoy this movie, even though it has some pretty big plot holes, and the dragons don't actually seem that hard to kill, leaving me wondering how they managed to destroy most of the human race.
I remember when it came out and all the American critics panned it because of Mconaughey's over the top, jingoistic

This is absurd. There's no such thing as a horrible, miserable handjob..

For the record, I'm not suggesting that you change your name or that I'm easily offended by such things (if that were the case, I should probably find some other website to hang out at). Context is obviously important here.

Sure, I'm just saying that a lot of people might fail to see the humor in jokes about a drug problem that's devastating many lives.

Breaking Bad is fantasy and has nothing at all to do with the real life meth problem. In any case, I'm not claiming that these two things are absolutely identical in nature. I'm only claiming that they both have pretty horrible effects on human beings, and not just on those most directly involved. As you said

Well, I guess it's hilarious in the same way that having a screen name suggesting that a meth lab is a source of hijinks is hilarious.

They are (in Ted Knight's voice) "those three junior Superfriends, Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog!"

"I wonder if you wonder?"

Only 30 or 40 times on the Twilight Zone.

When she was on SNL they did a "Girls of SNL" Playboy parody, in which her naughty bits are covered by nothing but those oversized lollipops (Unfortunately, I think Robin Duke is in the same photo).