me and the chimp

You seem to know an awful lot about the sound of machine guns. You are also suspended.

Where is this magical kingdom of Adademiia, with its fierce battles and low stakes?

Who's being funny? This is a deadly serious matter. Incidentally, I find your name vaguely threatening, simulating, as it does, the sound of machine gun fire. You are hereby suspended without pay pending psychological evaluation.

If I recall correctly, Black Lightning didn't actually have any powers at that time. He was a Batman-style street-level crimebuster who wore a belt that generated an electrical force field. Soon after that the belt allowed him to throw lightning bolts. Eventually DC said, ah, what the hell, let's just say he's a

Yep, and I'm horrified that I remember that cover and the headline went something like "JJ in a movie? Dy-no-mite!"

My favorite thing this season is how Boyd always refers to Daryl by his full name, "Daryl Crowe, Jr."

I saw him once at a comicon in Boston. He really is a towering human being in a way that doesn't quite come across on screen. And the hands on the man, like coal shovels!
Ray Park was three tables away (Traci Lords and Mark Goddard were between them), grinning gleefully as he stuffed giant sacks full of five dollar

As Clint Eastwood said in Unforgiven, We all have it coming, kid.

You make it sound more cold-blooded than it actually is. He's not executing the monster men the way, say, The Shadow would have. They're rampaging through Gotham, King Kong-style, and he expresses remorse for the act: "As much as I hate to take human life, I'm afraid this time it's necessary."

Once upon a time Steubenville was an interesting little city. Back in the day it was known as Little Chicago. Now it's hit seriously hard times and is full of drug addicts and street crime. This is my dad's hometown, and I grew up in the West Virginia town across the Ohio River (which oddly has almost no street

Alasdair missed TIm's shout out to Elmore Leonard,when Boyd's rambling on and TIm says, "Leave out the parts we want to skip." That's one of Elmore's legendary Ten Rules for Writing.

Something tells me it might be Wendy who does the honors.

Or, maybe more to the point, different than Arlo.

Yep, the Hellboy Companion. It is a few years old but by no means out of date.

They aren't strictly JSAers, but some other Golden Age characters, like Shining Knight and Vigilante, got some screentime too.

I think it helps that, despite the Hellboy spin-offs, the market isn't saturated with four or five comics featuring him every month, as is the case with Batman, Wolverine, etc. There have been months-long gaps between the individual issues of this series alone, not to mention the god-awful long wait for the trade (I

Didn't he pencil it as well? I seem to remember that he was doing the art on The Hulk, with Bill Mantlo writing, and they switched jobs with John Byrne when he wanted to leave Alpha Flight and take over the Hulk.

I seem to remember reading in an interview with Semple a year or two after Flash Gordon came out (I think it was in the late, lamented Comics Scene Magazine, or maybe Starlog) that De Laurentiis truly wanted a film that could compete with Star Wars in terms of special effects, but they just didn't have the budget, so

Ants can interlock their bodies by the thousands to create buoyant rafts that allow them to escape floods.

Give credit where it's due. They're both knock-offs of Doll Man