me and the chimp

Too late. Ice-t's series, Law and Order SVU, already did an episode based on the whole pizzagate hoax.

The original version of the novel is definitely worth checking out. It's still in print and a really quick read.

In most ways the movie is pretty faithful to the novel, even using quite a bit of the dialogue. But yes, the ending is more or less "happy," and a bit of an anti-climax. I think the movie's ending is more effective. There are some plot holes, though, especially regarding the manner of Becky's transformation.

I also love it for that "Mad Men" vibe. The main characters seem to be constantly drinking, and Kevin McCarthy's Dr. Bennell doesn't even pause to consider the ethical implications of putting the moves on his gorgeous patient. And how can you go wrong with (pre-Morticia) Carolyn Jones?

The current GWB redemption narrative doesn't hold up. The man's reckless incompetence cost hundreds of thousands of lives and destabilized an entire region for who knows how many decades to come. I despise Trump as much as anybody, but nothing he's done as president approaches this scale. Yet.

This reminds me of the origin of Samaritan, the Superman analog in Astro City. Samaritan travels to our era from a far future dystopia to prevent that nightmarish future from every coming to pass. He succeeds (and gains Superman-like powers in the process), resetting the future to a hopeful, Star Trek-ish course,

That's what I thought, but then when I had my DNA tested, it turned out I'm about one percent Afghani

When you saw only one set of footprints, that was when he was creeping up behind you with a knife.

Come on, Apples, it's a pun, clearly referring to the mound building Paleo-Indian cultures of the eastern US.

"…some of the dinos' modern day ancestors…." Maybe we could get some scientists to look into why so many professional writers don't seem to understand the definition of "ancestor."

Can there be any atheists in a fictional universe where literal gods are regularly seen walking down the street?

Would you say that to Tom Petty?

Well, for what it's worth, Nesbo's series detective is named Harry Hole.

Oh yeah, who could forget when they lowered the age of admission to nudie bars to 7?

Gargoyles predated Jack by quite a bit and had several serialized arcs and relied heavily on episode to episode continuity.

Before you do anything hasty, I suggest you familiarize yourself with a little ditty called "Detachable Penis."

Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?

Did you know that JFK had a secretary named Lincoln and that Lincoln banged Marilyn Monroe?

Salmon Rushdie

Wrong hair metal band.