Tiger of the Mirror

So THAT's why my Revolutionary War comedy keeps getting rejected.

Which he then had death-proofed.

That's not totally true. Delta Farce was quite good.

The Skirt Locker

I think that movie led the Russian box office for a couple weeks.

Oh, bravo.

Planet Terror.

An Idea
Mard Anthony and Seal should from an exclusive club for ugly guys that have super-hot wives and girlfriends because they can sing well.

I'll admit, I enjoy that song unironically. The music video's pretty good too.

It failed to kick off an onslaught of giant monster movies like Spiderman did for superhero movies.

Domo aritgato Mr. Roboto.

I set 'em up, you knock 'em down my friend.

I like how they use the same picture of the raptor every time.

On The Subject Of Giant Monsters
Will this new movie succeed where Cloverfield and Godzilla failed?

I think there should be a Tango & Cash/Tremors crossover movie.

It has a hat!

Hey Teri, I Have A Topic For You!
"Sentient Crustaceans"

Ah, yes, turn a simple reality show review into a rant about how Uncle Sam isn't doing enough to help Joe Schmoe.

Harry Potter. No Sorcerer's Stone.
