Tiger of the Mirror

Steamed hams is also a great euphamism for breasts.

Cry 'Arrgh!' and let slip the sea dogs of war.

And according to his IMDB page, he was the voice of a character in Bleach.

Yeah, he was really good in all those King of Queens episodes.

How can you like Tomax and Xamot yet hate on Futurechimp?

Uh-oh. This could get ugly fast.


Miserable childhood + Transformers = Mattilda from Leon: The Professional

The reason Fett is so popular is that he has a neat helmet.

You'd think it would make you want oranges.

No, since better is relative.

It's probably the slickest of all the movie's up there. It sure as hell looks better than the D&D movie.

He's no Barfman, that's for certain.

What is Mother Jones?

Who are The Shafts?

YES. The Goofy Movie's up for a comeback.

Where Pol Pot? Where's Ceausescu?

Is This The Begining Of Foxx's Comeback?
Probably not.

Karatlotz's story was pretty sad, but Boururas' story was pretty funny. It's interesting, the contrast.

Fecal Mist would be a great name for a rock band.